Classification of hazardous compound of municipal solid waste as a basis of its treatment system formation in regions of Ukraine


  • Т. А. Сафранов Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine
  • Т. П. Шаніна Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine
  • В. Ю. Приходько Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine


municipal solid waste, hazardous compound, classification, medical waste, waste of electrical and electronic equipment


Ensuring the sanitary and biological well-being of the country is one of the most important aspects of national security in terms of public health. Hygienic problems caused by pollution of the territory of settlements by waste from production and consumption remain among the priority ones. Purpose. The development of hazardous compound of municipal solid waste classification, which is the precondition of its treatment system in regions of Ukraine. Methods. Critical analysis of the existing provisions on the principles of hazardous compound of municipal solid waste classification  and the approaches to treatment of their flows. Results. Classifications of individual components of the hazardous compound in municipal solid waste (medical waste and waste of electrical and electronic equipment) have been proposed. Ensuring ecological well-being in the regions of Ukraine largely depends on the efficiency of the functioning of the system of dealing with hazardous components of Solid Waste in general and with medical waste in particular. The first step in creating a system for handling medical waste is their classification. We have developed a classification of medical waste, in which all of them are divided into three main categories: waste of veterinary clinics (polyclinic); Wastes of humanitarian treatment and prophylaxis establishments, waste of the communal sectorctor For the first time in the classification of medical waste, waste from veterinary clinics was taken into account. Conclusions.  The developed classifications of the components of the hazardous compound flow of municipal solid waste, as well as the principles of their use in the sphere of solid waste management, help to prevent the negative impact of these wastes on the environment and transfer a significant part of them to the state of secondary material resources.

Author Biographies

Т. А. Сафранов, Odessa State Environmental University

д-р. геол.-мін. наук, проф.

Т. П. Шаніна, Odessa State Environmental University

канд. хім. наук, доц.

В. Ю. Приходько, Odessa State Environmental University

канд. геогр. наук, доц


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