Approaches to the solution of solid waste disposal in the system of ecological management of territories



municipal solid waste, city, suburban zone, criteria, indicators, ecological management of the territory


Modern environmental management system should be based not on generalized criteria and indicators included in the statistical database, and the individual characteristics of each locality as a separate socio-economic and environmental object relations "city-suburban zone." In this case, solving local environmental problems will be most effective. Purpose. To develop a system of indicators for solving the problem of solid waste disposal in the system of ecological management of territories. Results. According to the social criteria, the following indicators and characteristics of the locality are proposed: the population, the number of able-bodied population, the number of people actually working, the number of people working directly at their place of residence, the number of people working in the central cities, the number of educational and educational institutions, and Social institutions, availability of administrative management. The economic criteria include: the state of the road transport system, the commercial and industrial complex, the development of the settlement, recreation areas, artificial lighting of the settlement, housing and communal services. Among the natural factors that are used as criteria: the distance from the city center; Adjacent distance; Girder-beam system; The presence of water objects; Main environmental problems; Availability of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund; Land occupied by agriculture. Conclusions. Provided that it is properly created and implemented, the system will be separately (individually) developed by the system Ecological management of the territory, which includes all the current and actual indicators and criteria for a separate settlement.

Author Biography

Г. В. Тітенко, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

канд. геогр. наук, доц.


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