Investigation of the influence of the disperse composition of diesel particulate matter on the efficiency of their rationing and neutralization by soot filters
diesel engine, brake tester, exhaust gases, particulate matter, concentration, mass emission, particulate filter, efficiencyAbstract
Purpose. Increase in the efficiency of control of diesel particulate matter in the study of the operation of diesel particulate filters by taking into account their particulate composition. Methods. Analysis and synthesis of information in the study of the structure and properties of diesel particulate matter, mathematical modeling in assessing the effectiveness of control and neutralization of particles with soot filters, statistical processing of experimental data, a computational experiment in conducting a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of the diesel particulate filter. Results. The structure, toxicological properties, dispersed composition and quantitative characteristics of diesel particulate matter are analyzed. The principle of the action of the particulate filter is described. The functions of the distribution densities of countable, surface and mass concentrations of solid particles of various fractions: nuclei, accumulation, large particles are considered. A method for the complex evaluation of the efficiency of a diesel particulate filter on the basis of indices of countable, surface and mass concentrations of particles has been developed. A complex analysis of the efficiency of the diesel particulate filter was carried out. Conclusions. The necessity of taking into account the dispersed composition of diesel solid particles in the analysis of their properties, rationing and the evaluation of the efficiency of the diesel particulate filter is substantiated. It was found that with a high efficiency of reducing the total mass of solid particles in the particulate filter - 93.8%, the amount, surface area and mass of fine particles with dimensions of 20-40 nm significantly increase - 4.2, 1.9 and 2.55 times, respectively. The increase in the relative fraction of fine particles after passing through the particulate filter is 72%.
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