Environmental differences of land creation in time interval for determination of industrial influence on landscape


  • E. Michaeli University of Presov in Presov, faculty of management,, Slovakia
  • V. Solar University of Presov in Presov, faculty of management,, Slovakia
  • M. Ivanova University of Presov in Presov, faculty of management,, Slovakia
  • J. Vilcek University of Presov in Presov, faculty of management,, Slovakia
  • A. Lisnyak Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration named after G. M. Vysotsky, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, ecological faculty,, Ukraine


landscape structure, land cover assessments, landfill waste, Krompachy


The assessment of the spatial structure the land cover has great significance for the research of landscape especially from the aspect of the maintaining landscape ecological stability and the sustainable development as well as the landscape potential. At the same time it has an important role in identifying of impacts the industry on the landscape. The classes of land cover layers can be considered as the basis for other analyses of landscape. Purpose.: In the contribution we decided to compare the changes in landscape structure between the years 1958 - 2009 in territory of city Krompachy. Methods: field, analytical and mathematical. Results: For evaluating changes in the landscape structure we used topographic map from 1958 and orthophotomaps of the actual situation in 2009. The changes in the landscape structure were evaluated through GIS technologies in time horizon 1958 - 2009. Absolute and percentage differences in the land cover classes for the time horizon 1958 - 2009 are expressed by means of contingency tables transformation. The trends in the development classes of land cover are documented by the graph of the land cover classes on the second hierarchical level.


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