Marine Research Development Ways in Ukraine


  • В. І. Медінець Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, Odessa, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • В. О. Іваниця Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, Odessa, Ukraine, Ukraine


Black Sea, Association Agreement, ecosystem, Marine Doctrine, Convention


To analyze the current state of marine research problems and to formulate proposals for the establishment of a national system of sustainable development of marine research in Ukraine and ways of their implementation. Analysis of current problems in the marine research and respective national and international legal framework has been performed. It was shown that the problems of investigations are directly connected with natural and anthropogenic changes and pressures in marine ecosystems. Detailed analysis of national low base presented. Some grounded measures and steps to establish the national system for sustainable development of marine studies and technologies in Ukrainehave been proposed. Are discussed the actual directions and their importance for  science and research taking into account the national interests of Ukraine and to ensure compliance with the Association Agreement and other international commitments of Ukraine. The establishment the Black Sea joint international network of reference (basic) marine research stations for using in interests of all the Black Seacountries are proposed. Conclusions:  Renovation of national system of the scientific research and technologies cannot be developed without establishing of respective infrastructure, restoration of marine potential and modern system of marine specialists education taking into account experience of European and global science.

Author Biographies

В. І. Медінець, Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, Odessa, Ukraine

канд. фіз.-мат. наук, с. н. с.

В. О. Іваниця, Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, Odessa, Ukraine

д-р біол. наук, проф.


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