The Recovery Territories of the Рaradynamyc Anthropogenic Landscape System of the Ecological Network of Murovanokurylovetsky District of Vinnytsia Region
paradynamyc anthropogenic landscape system, landscape, paradynamyc connection, recovery territory, zone of potential renaturalization, ecological network, vegetation, faunaAbstract
Purpose. To identify the peculiarities of the recovery territories of the paradynamyc anthropogenic landscape system (PDALS) of the ecological network of Murovanokurylovetsky district of Vinnytsia region. Methods: field, theoretical generalization, analytical and cartographic analysis, logic, finding of empirical relationships, cartographic. Results. It was discovered that the areas of relative-natural landscapes occupy only a few percent of the area of Murovanokurylovetsky district of Vinnytsia region. Therefore, under such conditions, it was offered to form an ecological network as a paradynamyc anthropogenic landscape system. This allows to include valuable territories of different levels of anthropogenization in the ecological network.
In the article, the ecological network is considered as a holistic paradynamyc anthropogenic landscape system of key, connecting and buffer territories, zones of potential renaturalization, eco-technical junctions and interactive elements. They are related to each other by the common genesis, simultaneity or sequence of origin and development, dynamic connections.
The important structural elements of the paradynamyc anthropogenic landscape system of ecological networks are recovery territories (zones of potential renaturalization). Publications devoted to their description are currently single. Nevertheless, measures of renaturalization within the recovery territories allow to restore and introduce valuable nature sites into the structure of environmental protection systems. Therefore, the study of recovery territories is very relevant.
The structure of the nature-protective paradynamyc anthropogenic landscape system of the ecological network of Murovanokurylovetsky district of Vinnytsia region identified the following recovery territories: Konyschivska, Zhytnykivska, Verbovetska, Vynohradnivska, Naddnistrianska, Zhvanska, Halaykivetska, Volodymyrivska, Murovanokurylovetska, Posuhivska, Dereshovska, Myhaylivetska, Yaltushkivska, Bilyanska, Karayetska, Nyshivetska, Kotyuzhanska, Blakitnivs'ka, Gorayska and Glibokodolinska.
The characteristic features of the recovery territories of the nature-protective paradynamyc anthropogenic landscape system of the ecological network of Murovanokurylovetsky district of Vinnytsia region are analyzed in the article. It was discovered that natural components and landscape complexes within the zones of potential renaturalization have undergone a significant transformation under the influence of human anthropogenic activity. They are often polluted and devoid of original state. However, areas with remnants of landscape complexes that are close to natural ones are preserved in these territories. Under the conditions of total
anthropogenic transformation of nature, recovery territories are one of the few centers of the existence of valuable species of vegetation and wildlife. The species of plants and animals of the Red Books of Vinnytsia region and Ukraine are found here.
The article suggests renaturalization measures for each recovery territory of the nature-protective paradynamyc anthropogenic landscape system of the ecological network of Murovanokurylovetsky district of Vinnytsia region. The main environmental measures within the zones of potential renaturalization are overcoming erosion processes, restoration, care and protection of forest, meadow, steppe, wetland and meadow-steppe vegetation.
The paradynamyc connections between zones of potential renaturalization and surrounding anthropogenic landscapes, local biocentres, regional and local ecocorridors, and other recovery territories are considered in detail.
Conclusion. Consequently, 20 recovery territories are identified within the paradynamyc anthropogenic landscape system of the ecological network of Murovanokurylovetsky district of Vinnytsia region. Their total area is 6222.16 hectares, which is 7.02 % of the area of the district. They cover the sources of the tributaries of the main rivers in the area, the steep slopes of the river valleys with erosion forms of relief, forest, meadow, meadow-steppe and wetland landscape complexes. Nature-protective measures within them will allow the degraded areas of nature to be restored. By intermediation of paradynamyc connections, they will improve the state of the environment. Under the conditions of renaturalization on the basis of the recovery territories, it will be possible to form new and expand existing biocentres, buffer zones, create interactive elements, and optimize local ecological corridors. This will improve the habitat of living organisms and ensure their recovery and conservation.
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