Structural Analysis of Higher Aquatic and Coastal-Aquatic Plants of Vyzhivka River


  • О. О. Цьось Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine
  • О. С. Музиченко Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine
  • М. В. Боярин Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine


river Vyzhivka, higher aquatic plants, coastal-aquatic plants, river basin, ecological groups of plants,


Purpose. Determination of the species composition and determination of the systematic and ecological structure of the aquatic and coastal-aquatic flora of the Vyzhivka River. Methods: morphological, botanical, comparative ecology, statistical. The ecological classification of species was given according to V. Papchenkov. Results. Flora of the Vyzhivka River has 36 species of higher aquatic and coastal-aquatic plants belonging to 31 genus, 20 families, 14 orders, 3 classes (Equisetopsida, Liliopsida and Magnoliopsida) and 2 divisions (Equisetophyta and Magnoliophyta). The Magnoliophyta division includes 35 species, or 97,22% of the total number of species. The species composition is dominated by representatives of the class Liliopsida. Up to 4 families of flora (Alismataceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Cyperaceae, Lemnaceae) own 41,66% of all species. The ecological structure of aquatic and coastal-aquatic plants of Vyzhivka river includes four ecotypes. The first place in terms of the number of species is occupied by hydrophytes, which amount 33,33% of the total number of species, hygrohelophytes are represented by 30,56%. The share of helophytes and hygrophytes, respectively, is 19,44% and 16,67%. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, the species composition and features of the ecological structure of the higher aquatic and coastal-aquatic flora of the Vyzhivka River were established. The greatest species diversity is characteristic for the plot number 1 – 24 species. In the second section, 21 species of aquatic and coastal aquatic plants were identified. The smallest number – 18 species, is in the third area. The anthropogenic factors have the greatest impact on biodiversity: the presence of a drainage system, straightening of the riverbed, the use of the river basin for agricultural needs, the discharge of insufficiently treated sewage of housing and communal services.

Author Biographies

О. С. Музиченко, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

канд. біол. наук, доц.

М. В. Боярин, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

канд. геогр. наук, доц.


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research