Postpyrogenic Development of Young Pine Stand in Forest-Steppe


  • І. М. Коваль Ukrainian Institute of Forestry and Agroforestry, Ukraine
  • С. Г. Сидоренко Ukrainian Institute of Forestry and Agroforestry, Ukraine
  • М. О. Невмивака V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National Uviversity, Ukraine


radial growth, pine, wildfires, climatic factors,


Purpose of the work is to study the response of the radial growth of pine in the young to the effects of fires. Methods. Comparative ecological methods, taxation, standard dendrochronological methods, statistical, correlation and regression analyzes were used. Results. The study was conducted in a clean, young pine stand, which was damaged by wildfire in 2011. The wildfire occurred in favorable weather conditions (the vegetation season was warm and humid), which led to mitigating the effects of fire on the plantings. It was revealed that the radial increment of damaged trees in the year of wildfire (2011) was less than the tree rings at the control by 20%. During 2012-2017 increase of the radial growth of damaged trees was revealed because about 30% of trees were drying and living trees got extra light and reveal. Radial growth of survived trees reached the level as before the wildfire. Late wood responded faster to fire damage. Conclusions. The wildfire led to the death of weakened trees, significantly speeding up the process of natural thinning of the stand. The recovery of the radial growth of surviving trees occurred in 2014. Restoration of the radial growth of trees, survivors, occurred in 2014. It is advisable to use the proportion of late wood to assess the state of plantations after a wildfire.

Author Biographies

І. М. Коваль, Ukrainian Institute of Forestry and Agroforestry

канд. с.-г. наук, с. н. с.

С. Г. Сидоренко, Ukrainian Institute of Forestry and Agroforestry

канд. с.-г. наук


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