Agroecological Grounding of Organic Waste Management in the Production of Humates


  • О. О. Гололобова V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National Uviversity, Ukraine
  • Я. С. Василець V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National Uviversity, Ukraine


organic waste, microelements, organic farming, bioaccumulation, heavy metals,


Purpose. Study of agroecological substantiation of the possibility to use organic waste in the production of humates as fertilizers of the main application for vegetable crops. Methods. Field, chemical, atomic absorption spectrometry. Results. The calculation of the total indicator of pollution showed that the soil of the fertilized experimental site belongs to the slightly contaminated soils. According to the soil-agrochemical criteria, namely, the content of organic matter, mobile phosphorus and potassium, the reaction of soil solution, soil on the control and, optionally, with the introduction of organic waste, is suitable for organic farming. The evaluation of the suitability of the soil for the content of heavy metals revealed that the content of zinc, copper, lead, cobalt, manganese, nickel revealed that it is suitable for the organic farming. Zinc (0.31 mg / kg) and manganese (4.98 mg / kg) content are conventionally suitable. Analysis of the content of trace elements in organic waste showed that it contains manganese, copper, zinc in quantities, corresponding to the lower boundary of the value interval, inherent in untreated manure. Thus, the amount of manganese in manure is 75 - 549, in the studied sample - 60 mg / kg, copper - 7,6-40,8, zinc 0,84-4,18, in the sample - 5,88, 44,95 mg / kg respectively. That is, in terms of its microelement status, corresponds to the composition of the manure. An assessment of the environmental quality of vegetable products grown when organic wastes produced by humates as fertilizers of the main input showed that no element exceeds the maximum permissible concentrations. The analysis of the bioaccumulation coefficients for vegetable products grown in the course of the introduction of organic waste showed that none of the vegetables accumulate in the economic part of the crop of heavy metals. Conclusions. Studies have shown high agroecological efficiency of the use of organic waste of humates production as the main fertilizer for the production of environmentally safe high quality vegetable products.

Author Biography

О. О. Гололобова, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National Uviversity

канд. с.-г. наук, доц


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