Macrozoobenthos State in Odessa Bay Coastal Waters in 2016-2017



macrozoobenthos, number, biomass, biodiversity, Odessa Bay


Purpose. Study of macrozoobenthos contemporary state in Odessa Bay coastal waters in 2016-2017. Methods. Standard methods of macrozoobenthos sampling, determination, estimation of number and biomass Results. The results of macrozoobenthos biodiversity, structural characteristics and taxonomic composition in Odessa bay coastal waters have been presented. Seasonal dynamics of its number and biomass. has been studied. Assessment of marine environment quality has been performed on the metrics of macrozoobenthos. Conclusions. Altogether 121 taxa of benthic invertebrates were identified inOdessaBay in 2016-2017. Taxonomic composition and quantitative indicators of macrozoobenthos had clear seasonal variation with maximal development of benthos in summer period. In spring of 2016, 75 taxa of macrozoobenthos were registered in samples, in summer – 82 taxa, in autumn – 60 taxa, in summer of 2017 – 62 taxa. The basis of macrozoobenthos community was formed be mollusks (Mollusca) with domination of species М. galloprovincialis, as well as representatives of Arthropoda and Annelida. Significant input into macrozoobenthos species composition was made by representatives of the following groups: Bryozoa, Nemertea and Platyhelminthes. Contribution of Porifera, Cnidaria and Phoronida to OdessaBaybenthic communities was insignificant. In 2016-2017 3 alien species were registered in OdessaBay– bivalves Anadara kagoshimensis and Mya arenaria, as well as gastropod Rapana venosa. Out of 121 macrozoobenthos taxa 4 were listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine and 6 – in the Black Sea Red Data Book. During the period of studies practically equal quantities of macrozoobenthos taxa were found on different substrates. In samples from loose substrates the number of taxa at different depths varied from 5 to 40 with Shannon diversity index (Н) making 1.7-2.9; on mixed substrate – from 19 to 48 species with Н = 1.3-2.8. Macrozoobenthos number and biomass varied on loose substrates from 0.070х104 to 3.227х104 ind/m2 and from 0.002 to 5.361 kg/m2 and on stony substrate – from 0.667х104 to 170х104 ind/m2 and from 0.088 to 46.811 kg/m2 respectively. Quality of marine environment estimated using AMBI and M-AMBI indices calculated for all the 26 samples was assessed as High in 4 cases, Good in 17 cases and Moderate in 5 cases out of 26. Mean values of the AMBI and M-AMBI indices for different seasons of year were as follows: first decade of June 2016 – 1.84±0.07 and 0.69±0.04 respectively; August 2016 – 1.66±0.12 and 0.84±0.05 respectively; November 2016 – 2.62±0.13 and 0.60±0.02 respectively; June 2017 – 2.72±0.11 and 0.73±0.05 respectively.

Author Biographies

С. М. Снігірьов, Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, Odessa, Ukraine

канд. биол. наук

В. І. Медінець, Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, Odessa, Ukraine

канд. физ.-мат. наук, с. н. с.


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research