Change of Agrochemical Parameters of Gray Podzolized Soils of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe under the Influence of Forest Ecosystems



forest ecosystems, removed from tillage, afforestation, Scots pine, agrochemical indicators


Purpose. The study of changes in the main agrochemical parameters in the upper layers of the gray forest soils of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine that were removed from agricultural processing and forested with pine, in different years. Methods. Theoretical methods included the collection and description of facts, their analysis. Empirical methods involved conducting field research on test plots of the state-owned enterprise “Chuguevo-Babchansky LG” and farm near woodlands. Laboratory and analytical studies were performed using standardized measurement methods. The generalization of the experimental data was performed using application software packages. Results. Studies were carried out on soils under natural forest plantations, soils in intensive agricultural processing and unproductive soils that are derived from agricultural use. In all the studied soils, the main agrochemical parameters were compared among themselves: mobile forms of nitrogen, pH, humus content, content of common forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Statistical dependences between agrochemical parameters in the studied variants were established. Conclusions. The results obtained indicate the revitalization and development of humification and accumulation of nutrients in old arable gray forest soils with an increase in the duration of exposure to pine forest. The age stages of the forest determine the specifics of the environmental factors that influence the soil-forming processes. In the soil of a young pine-tree (12 years), there are more cases of an increase in the coefficients of spatial variation. This indicates that the formation of young ecosystems are characterized by low resistance, in these biocenoses the dynamic equilibrium is not reached, which is characteristic of more mature pine forests.


Author Biographies

А. А. Лісняк, Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration named G. M. Vysotsky V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine

канд. с.-г. наук, доц.

S. Torma, Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute Bratislava, regional work place Presov, Slovak Republic

Ph. D.

J. Vilcek, Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute Bratislava, regional work place Presov, Slovak Republic University of Presov in Presov, Slovak Republic

Ph. D.


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research