Analysis of the Conflicts of Natural Use as a Basis For Landscape-Ecological Planning of Forest Ecosystems



landscape, conflict of nature use, forest ecosystem, landscape-ecological planning, optimization


Relevance. The development of measures to prevent possible negative environmental, economic and social problems in forest ecosystems should be based on objective information, which may be provided by the process of landscape-environmental planning.Purpose. Analysis of the conflicts of nature use from anthropogenic activity in forest ecosystems to develop measures optimization of environmental management in the process of landscape-ecological planning.Methods. The assessment of conflicts of nature use in forest ecosystems was carried at the test site of the tract"Zarudska Dacha" of Lyubovytsi forestry of the Malinsky district of Zhytomyr region according to the author's method of landscape-ecological planning.Results. Based on the results of the inventory and evaluation phase of landscape-ecological planning, we have  obtained information about the landscape differentiation of the test area, internal and external sources of environmental conflicts, their boundaries, and intensity. The study of the structure of forestry has shown that the sources of conflict are predominantly forest areas and settlements landscapes. The assessment of intensity of the conflicts has shown that medium-intensity conflicts prevail in the territory. Based on the information of matricesof the conflict  measures to optimize the use of nature in forest ecosystems have been developed.Conclusions. For optimization of nature use in forest ecosystems, it is recommended: restoration of plantations, control of rational use of forest resources, reduction of the volumes of use of the chemical means on the adjacent fields, organized garbage collection, controlled recreation, etc.

Author Biographies

Н. В. Максименко, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

д-р геогр. наук, проф.

К. М. Карпець, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

канд. геогр. наук


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