Current State of the Municipal Solid Waste Management and Treatment in Ukraine


  • В. Ю. Приходько Odessa state environmental university, Ukraine
  • Т. А. Сафранов Odessa state environmental university, Ukraine
  • Т. П. Шаніна Odessa state environmental university, Ukraine


municipal solid waste, secondary raw materials, waste management, efficient system


Purpose. Review of the current situation in the municipal solid waste management area in Ukraine and outline the possible direction of an effective waste management system organization at the regional level.Methods. System analysis, mass balance method, generalization and interpretation.Results. Starting of the European integration process, Ukraine has initiated a number of reforms in the legislative and regulatory sphere of waste management. In particular, the National Strategy of waste management in Ukraine by 2030 was approved; the draft Law of Ukraine “On Waste Management” and others were developed. There are plants for recovering certain types of recyclable raw materials in Ukraine. The model of effective municipal solid waste management at the regional level should be based on baseline conditions: waste composition and available recovery capacity. It is shown that almost half of the municipal solid waste mass is food and garden waste. This means that an effective solid waste management system must be based on the separation and subsequent treatment of such waste, which will allow the achievement of the National Strategy targets. Conclusions. The municipal solid waste problem of is extremely urgent for Ukraine, because in the conditions of mass increasing and composition complication the main method of treatment remains disposal. Changes in legislation and the existing infrastructure for recycling the most common and resource-intensive categories of recyclables require the introduction of effective municipal solid waste management systems. We believe that to achieve a significant result, it is necessary to pay attention to easily-decomposed organic waste. Development a system for the proper collection and further use of such waste will help to achieve significant performance indicators of municipal solid waste potential using.

Author Biographies

В. Ю. Приходько, Odessa state environmental university

канд. геогр. наук, доц.

Т. А. Сафранов, Odessa state environmental university

д-р г.-м. наук, проф.

Т. П. Шаніна, Odessa state environmental university

канд. хім. наук, доц.


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