Statistical relations features between changes of Caribbean Sea surface temperatures and solar activity


  • О. В. Холопцев Севастопольский национальный технический университет, Ukraine
  • М. П. Нікіфорова


Caribbean Sea, solar activity, upwelling, greenhouse effect, surface temperature, sub-Antarctic intermediate waters


Paper deals with statistical relations between Caribbean sea surface temperature variations and solar activity. With the use of correlation analysis between time series of mean year temperatures changes, their anomalies index and Wolf numbers, hypothesis of the Caribbean Sea surface temperatures variations delay caused by solar activity changes was tested. It was found that the features of sub-Antarctic intermediate waters circulation of the Atlantic Ocean cause the presence of a significant statistical relations between Caribbean Sea average surface  temperatures changes and solar activity variations, that are advancing them approximately on 200 years. Developed ultralong-range forecast of Caribbean Sea average surface temperatures changes show that until the middle of the XXI century downward trend will dominate, and further, to the end of it, – upward.

Author Biography

О. В. Холопцев, Севастопольский национальный технический университет

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