Regression analysis of the interrelation of biotesting results and measurement physical and chemical composition of water


  • О. М. Крайнюков Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, Ukraine


regression analysis, physical and chemical composition, an index of contamination, bioassay, toxicity levels, waste water, surface water


The article presents the dependence between results of composition waste and surface water according to physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics. It was found the lack of statistically significant linear dependence between the results of bioassay and measurement of physical and chemical composition of the wastewater chemical and petrochemical plants and water bodies of water, which were taken above and below wastewater discharges.

For mine water from the drive it was installed a weak correlation between bioassay results and their physical and chemical composition, but the corresponding regression equation proved statistically insignificant, for water of water bodies, which are discharged mine water, it was set the average measurement between the above indicators.

Author Biography

О. М. Крайнюков, Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна

кандидат географічних наук, доцент


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research