Influence Of The Marine Environment On Mineral Structure Benthic Foraminifera Of The Northwest Shelf Of The Black Sea


  • Г. О. Кравчук Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, Ukraine


the benthic foraminifera, mineral structure, diffraction spectrum


There are devoted to application of the mineralogical function of the foraminifera to assess the geoecological situation. Analyzed rentgenometric characteristics of the mineral structure of benthic foraminifera shelf of the Black Sea. Revealed that the abnormal development of biomineralization is accompanied by morphological changes and are clearly seen in the structure of the walls of the shells of foraminifera.

Author Biography

Г. О. Кравчук, Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова

кандидат геологічних наук


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research