Legal Regulation of Waste Management: Analysis, Problems and Directions of Solution
ecological safety, ecological balance, legal regulation, waste management, rationalization of resourcesAbstract
The development of measures to reduce waste and regulate waste management is an important issue in the field of environmental safety and environmental protection.
Purpose. Analysis of legal regulation of waste management, identification of the main problems and the formation of modern solutions to problems related to waste, based on international experience, current case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
Methods. Theoretical and general scientific (analysis, synthesis, systematization), empirical method (method of comparison).
Results. Based on the results of the study of legal regulation of waste management in Ukraine, the main problems are identified and solutions are proposed based on the analysis of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights and by studying the experience of European countries. It was found that Ukraine has chosen the path of standardization of waste issues on the basis of established norms of the European Union, in particular the Waste Directive and a number of other regulations in this area.
Conclusions. In order to regulate the field of waste management in Ukraine, it is necessary to ensure the gradual and effective implementation of measures enshrined in the National Waste Management Strategy of Ukraine until 2030, to systematize a number of legal acts of Ukraine on waste management and begin their implementation in practice.
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