Features of Visual Decoding of Water Erosion by Remote Sensing Data



visual interpretation, remote sensing, soil erosion, linear erosion, buried soil


Purpose: analysis of the features of visual decoding of eroded soils and erosion processes according to remote sensing data.

Methods. Remote sensing, field, comparative geographical, historical, cartographic, GIS analysis.

Results. The main attention in the article is paid to the features of visual decoding of linear forms of erosion. Comparative analysis of aerial photographs of 1943 and modern satellite imagery for the Kharkov region shown that in the second half of the 20th century the growth of gullies was almost stopped due to large-scale anti-erosion measures carried out at that time. Currently the main erosion losses occur in sheet erosion and small gully erosion. The article provides a list of decoding features that determine linear forms of erosion in the images. It is shown problems that can arise during automatic decoding. As an example of artifact formations requiring the participation of a human analyst in the decryption process, the so-called "Turkish Wall" is shown, the traces of which can be erroneously diagnosed as a manifestation of linear erosion

Conclusions. Automatic decoding of water erosion processes and an inventory of erosion landforms requires the obligatory monitoring of a qualified analyst to eliminate object identification errors.

Author Biographies

А. Б. Ачасов, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

DSc (Agriculture),Prof

А. О. Ачасова, National Scientific сenter «A. N. Sokolovsky Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry»

PhD (Biology)


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