The Change In Distribution Of Average Annual Surface Temperature Atlantic Ocean Under Modern Climate Warming


  • О. В. Холопцев Севастопольський національний технічний університет, Ukraine
  • М. П. Нікіфорова Севастопольський національний технічний університет, Ukraine


Atlantic Ocean, anomalies, average annual, surface temperature, upwelling, global ocean heat conveyor, cooling warming, climate


Surface temperatures of many waters in the Atlantic Ocean during the period of the modern warming rising steadily, driven by a reduction of its apvelings and increase the flow of heat delivered from the South Atlantic jet northern South Equatorial Current. In the period of 2002 - 2011 years. Atlantic warming has stopped. In subsequent years, the twenty-first century, probably reducing its surface temperature, which could lead to a cooling of the climate in Europe and North America.

Author Biography

О. В. Холопцев, Севастопольський національний технічний університет

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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research