Neoecological Aspects of Transformation of Agricultural Monosystem Territorial Structure



The peculiarities of the coverage of the concept of "rural area" in the regulations of Ukraine have been analyzed. The disorder, heterogeneity, and contradiction of the essence of this concept in various normative legal acts have been established, because of which it is inconvenient to use it in all spheres of life of the population. The article analyzes the development of rural areas as monosystems of different hierarchical levels, and the process of their development is outlined as monodevelopment. That is, even in the absence of dynamic data, but in the presence of the possibility to compare the starting points of the various processes of development of such monorosystems, we can predict the peculiarities of their course in the study area. The importance of research of monoprocesses through the analysis of indicators the cost of the made agriculture production had been outlined; the cost of agricultural products sold by enterprises; the number of employees in Ukraine in general and in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in particular; use of agricultural products.

The conceptual and terminological apparatus in a specific socio-geographical study was first supplemented by the category of "mono-agrarian locality" with the author's interpretation of its essence.

Author Biography

N. M. Smochko, Mukachevo State University, Uzhhorodska, Str., 26, Mukachevo, 89608, Ukraine

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor

