Nature Reserve Fund of Skoliv Beskids: Landscape Differentiation, Structure and Perspectives
Having conducted a detailed analysis of the nature reserve fund of the Skoliv Beskids, we have found that as of today 21 NPF objects have been registered, they together occupy 33.6% of the studied physical and geographical area. We also calculated a number of key indicators that characterize the state of nature reserves of the study area, in particular: the percentage of nature reserves; index of strict nature reserves; density index of NPF objects; insularization coefficient.
A map was drawn up showing the distribution of nature reserves and objects in the mountain landscapes of the Skoliv Beskids, which allowed to establish the nature reserve of each of these landscapes. A number of recommendations for optimizing the structure and functioning of existing nature protection facilities in Skole Beskydy are offered, as well as unique and interesting, from the point of view of environmental protection, areas that should be included in the NFP of the district in the future.
To improve the ecological situation in the Skole Beskids, it is important to develop a network of nature protection facilities. We propose to increase the number of PZF facilities by creating new ones and including Polonyn PTC in the Skolivski Beskydy NP.
Copyright (c) 2021 Буряник О. О., Карабінюк М. М., Гостюк З. В.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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