The Recreational Capacity of the Zones of the Ukrainian National Natural Parks
The capacity, the degree of the resistance to the recreational loads, the level of improvement and the capacity of the tourist routes in each of the spoken NNPs were analyzed. The main criteria for choosing the studied NNPs were their representativeness or representation in terms of a variety of the accommodating regions, the availability of the data based on the physical and geographical characteristics, the length of the tourist routes and the statistcs of the visitors per year. The recreational capacity for the summer season of some NPPs of Ukraine was calculated, while taking into account the standards for each type of the natural complex for the zones of stationary and regulated recreation. Potentially, these zones may be expanded replacing the parts of the reserved special use zone. An assessment of the capacity of some tourist trails of the barely improved NPPs for an unstable and stable category of natural landscape complexes was given.
If the natural healing resources are present on the territories of the NNPs, it is advisable to organize some centers for the sanatorium treatment, medical and socio-psychological rehabilitation, which will contribute to the creation and an improvement of the medical and the health infrastructure,
Copyright (c) 2021 Полетаєва Л. М., Сафранов Т. А.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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