Просторово-часові зміни у вирощуванні зернових та зерновобобових культур на Херсонщині



Using a statistical method, we collected and analyzed data on sown areas of cereals and legumes in 2015 - 2019 in the Kherson region. Based on statistical data, we calculated the coefficients of territorial localization and identified areas of specialization of grain production. Using GIS-technologies we have developed maps of specialization of districts of Kherson region.As a result of research, we have revealed the basic laws of development of agriculture of the Kherson region, in particular production of grain crops. We also conducted a spatial-temporal analysis of the development of agricultural production of cereals and legumes using the analysis of land resources. On the basis of modern research methods, we have typified the territory of the Kherson region, identified areas of specialization in the cultivation of cereals and legumes in terms of administrative districts of the region. This made it possible to identify factors influencing the specialization of the region. It is determined that among all crop industries of Kherson region, grain production has developed the most.

The directions of intensification of grain production for its optimization are offered: introduction of the newest technologies of cultivation; investment activity; improvement of biological aspects of production, selection activities and reproduction of soil fertility.

Author Biography

L. M. Bohadorova, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, 23 Stritenska St., Kherso n, Ukraine 73006

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Earth Science and Chemistry

