Geography of Spatial-Temporal Features of the Hotel Collective Accommodation Facilities in Ukraine



The analysis of the quantitative composition of hotel establishments on the territory of Ukraine in the regional context revealed the regions with the largest and smallest dislocation of enterprises in the hospitality industry. From 2015 to 2020, the number of collective accommodation facilities in the regions of Ukraine decreased almost 3 times. Modern problems of development of accommodation establishments on the territory of the state are determined. Territorial concentration and level of development of collective accommodation facilities according to the territorial concentration index and localization index were calculated, grouping of administrative units was carried out, which allowed to reveal significant disparities in the development of collective accommodation facilities in the regions of Ukraine.

The tourism sector of the economy has developed the most - these are regions with significant historical, cultural and recreational resources. The primary task for modern entrepreneurs (hotel owners) is to upgrate and restore the material and technical base of enterprises. On the part of the state - the regulation of the tax system of both small and large businesses, the provision of interest-free loans for the development of the hotel business.

Author Biographies

S. G. Melnychenko , Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, 23 Stritenska St., Kherso n, Ukraine 73006

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Earth Science and Chemistry

L. M. Bohadorova , Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, 23 Stritenska St., Kherso n, Ukraine 73006

Ph.D.(Geography), Associate Professor of the Department of Earth Science and Chemistry

