Current State and Prospects of Development of Sports and Health Tourism in Bukovyna
156 tourist organizations operate in the region's tourist services market. Of the eleven districts of the region, six sports and health tourism is developing quite rapidly: Vyzhnytskyi, Kitsmanskyi, Novoselytskyi, Putylskyi, Storozhynetskyi and Khotynskyi. In the course of the research, a number of survey questions were developed and a survey of 365 respondents was conducted. Respondents included participants of all types of tourist activities in Bukovyna: tourists who are members of various tourist clubs, participants of spontaneous campaigns, members of spontaneous groups at youth organizations, educational institutions. Employees of the regional tourism department, as well as heads of tourist clubs, their deputies, presidents and members of the presidium of the Chernivtsi regional and city sports tourism federations also took part in the survey. The statistical analysis of the results of the survey on the proposed system of questions showed that respondents agree on the complexity of the situation with the financing and logistics of tourism, including sports and health. The imperfection of the structure and content of professional training, the imperfection of the program, regulatory and legal framework, as well as insufficient attention to this type of tourism by the state and weak promotion.
Copyright (c) 2021 Манько А. М., Романів П. В., Монастирський В. Р.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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