Ecological and Economic Aspects of Phosphogypsum Safety Management at the Former Uranium Production Site “Pridniproivsky Chemical Plant”
According to the results of monitoring studies on the radionuclide and hydrochemical composition of groundwater at the PChP industrial site for the period from 2009 to 2021 year, a high content of sulfates and an increased content of uranium in groundwater under the body of the Dniprovske tailing dump, which has a phosphogypsum coating on its surface, was revealed. Phosphogypsum is considered, on the one hand, as a source of groundwater pollution, and on the other, as a potential resource for its possible reuse and processing. The results of experimental studies of the content of natural radionuclides and the elemental composition of mineral residues of ore production at the site of the former uranium ore processing plant "PChP" are also provided, as well as an safety assessment of their handling and the options of their possible processing as an element of the strategy for bringing the site to a safe state.
The possibility and necessity of safe processing of phosphogypsum on the surface of the tailings "Dniprovske" with its simultaneous replacement by a new soil cover is proved.
Copyright (c) 2021 Кориченський К. О., Лаврова Т. В., Войцехович О. В.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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