Assessment of the recreation potential of the regional landscape park “Murafa”



Purpose. To determine the recreational potential of the regional landscape park "Murafa" and to develop an algorithm of actions to increase its suitability for health, recreation and tourism.

Methods. Field, cartographic, statistical, system, analytical.

Results. It was determined that for the improvement and development of the functional-spatial network of objects and territories of the Eastern Podillia nature reserve fund, the existing four regional landscape parks "Murafa", "Dniester", "Middle Pobuzhya" and "Nemyrivske Pobuzhzhya" can serve as "recreational core", they make up 0.69% of the total area of the region and 30.2% of the total area of its natural reserve fund. The orographic, climatic, hydrological, landscape and aesthetic conditions were analyzed, as well as the level of accessibility of the RLP "Murafa" for the population and the development of transport and recreational infrastructure, the recreational potential of the territory was calculated. It was established that it is at the level of 57% - the potential of an average level for recreation.

Conclusions. For the full scale development of recreational activities on the territory of the RLP "Murafa", it is necessary to take into account the organization of tourist and recreational activities, as well as the protection of natural and cultural values that complement active recreation. It is necessary to take a set of measures to prevent and reduce the anthropogenic pressure on the components of the environment and various types of ecosystems.

Author Biographies

O. V. Mudrak, KZVO Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education 13, Hrushevsky str., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine

DSc (Agriculture), Prof., Head of the Department of Ecology, Natural and Mathematical Sciences

M. M. Gаnchuк , Tavriya State Agrotechnological University. Dmitry Motorny Melitopol, Ukraine

PhD (Agriculture), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geoecology and Land Management,

G. V. Mudrak, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University 3, Sonyachna, St., Vinnytsia, 21000, Ukraine

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection


V. V. Serebryakov , KZVO Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education 13, Hrushevsky str., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine

DSc (Biology), Prof., Professor of the Department of Ecology, Natural and Mathematical Sciences

I. A. Shevchenko , KZVO Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education 13, Hrushevsky str., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine

PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology, Natural and Mathematical Sciences

G. S. Hayetsky , KZVO Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education 13, Hrushevsky str., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine

PhD (Geography), Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology, Natural and Mathematical Sciences



