Modern Ecological Condition Of The River Basin Of The Seversky Donets Within The Kharkiv Region


  • Г. В. Коробкова Research establishment «Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems», Ukraine


surface water, water quality, environmental assessment, environmental condition, bioindication methods, Sіversky Donets, Kharkiv region


Purpose.The testing the method of environmental assessment of surface water quality in terms of the use of biological indicators. Methods. Biological and hydrobiological. Results. To evaluate used quantitative and structural indicators of zoobenthos (TBI, BBІ), zooplankton (saprobity index) and phytoplankton (saprobity index, biomass and chlorophyll «a»). The results of the environmental assessment of the quality of waters of the river Seversky Donets River and its major tributaries within the Kharkiv region on biological indicators of surface water quality, which are used in the method of environmental assessment of surface water quality (edition of 2012). The values of the generalized biological index (ІБ) of the average values of indicators show that the water researched areas of the rivers belong to the II and III water quality classes and graded as "good" and "moderate" as "clean" and "contaminated" by the degree of purity (contamination). Areas with the worst values of biological indicators summarizing experiencing the greatest anthropogenic load. BBІ more sensitive reacted to anthropogenic pressure and had a larger range of changes than TBI. Conclusions. In assessing the ecological status of water bodies is absolutely necessary to consider the role of the biological component to display the actual state of aquatic ecosystems. In assessing the ecological status of water bodies is absolutely necessary to consider the role of the biological component to display the actual state of aquatic ecosystems, which reflects the degree of wellbeing ecosystem of the water body as a whole.


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research