Soil Elementary Processes In The Inundated Landscapes Of Uda River In Kharkov’s Range


  • Г. В. Тітенко V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • Ю. О. Масто V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • А. Г. Гарбуз V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • Н. І. Ноженко V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine


soil processes, inundated landscapes, natural geochemical barrier,


Purpose. The soil elementary processes (SEP) in the inundated landscapes of Uda river in Kharkiv’s range are investigated. Methods. Complex field, chemical analytical techniques and methods of data processing (including interpolation methods, clustering, and so on). Results. With the method of expert’s estimations the intensity of the soil elementary processes is gave to assessment to the territory of the study. The acid-alkaline characteristics of soil genetic horizons of inundated landscapes of Uda river in Kharkiv’s range are evaluated. The presence of natural height valuable sorption and chemisorption lateral acid-alkaline geochemical barrier in the research area is suggested. Conclusions. The most common and severe elementary processes of soil formation floodplain landscapes p. Uda within Kharkiv is humus-ilyuvialny and clay-ilyuvialny processes related to illuvial accumulation processes, ie, dominated by the processes of accumulation of matter and energy, which is indicative of the presence of natural geochemical barrier, due to the peculiarities of the relief and the composition of the parent rocks


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research