Management Opportunities Salinization Alluvial Soils in the Flood Plains of Environmental Management System of Urban Areas



salinization processes, alluvial soils, profile migration, inundated landscapes, natural geochemical barrier, environmental management of urban areas,


Purpose. Assessment of soil salinity alluvial flood plains r. Uda within the city Kharkiv and defining features of the profile distribution hloryd-, hidrokarbonat- and carbonate- ions in the soil profile to create a cluster alluvial soils in the flood plains environmental management system of urban areas.Methods. Complex field, chemical-analytical, statistical (interpolation, clustering, and so on.). Results. The soil salinization processes of the alluvial soils in the inundated landscapes of Uda river in Kharkiv’s range are investigated. The acid-alkaline characteristics of soil genetic horizons are evaluated, and the profile distribution of chloride, hydrocarbonate and carbonate ions in the soils profile of the investigated alluvial soils are showed. The stages of profile migration of the corresponding ions in the study area are evaluated, as well as the degree of salinity of each genetic horizon of the studied soils profiles are assessed. The predominance of progressive chloride-soda salinization of the alluvial soils in the inundated landscapes of Uda river in Kharkiv’s range is determined. The presence of natural height valuable sorption and chemisorption radial, mechanical  and lateral acid-alkaline geochemical barrier in the research area is suggested. Conclusions. Proposed use parameters  salinization of soils on alluvial flood plains in the cluster system of environmental management of urban areas.

Author Biographies

Г. В. Тітенко, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

декан екологічного факультету

канд. геогр. наук, доц.

Ю. О. Масто, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

аспірант каф. екології та неоекології


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research