The Peculiarities of Ecosystems Functioning in Case of Radioactive Pollution: from Degradation to Restoration


  • М. В. Сарапіна National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Є. О. Варивода National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Ukraine


radioactive pollution, ecosystem, restoration factors,


Purpose.  The analysis of peculiarities of natural ecosystems functioning in case of radioactive pollution is provided. Methods. Theoretical analysis and synthesis. Results. The ecosystems of Polissya are considered as a case study in the article since they have been impacted severely as the result of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The key factors influencing on the degree of ecosystems restoration in case of emergency situation related to radioactive pollution are determined and systematized. The background of the ecosystems classification is idea about correspondence of the structure and species composition of ecosystems autotrophic unit (phytocenosis) to habitat conditions (ecotope). It is determined that changes in Polissya ecosystems in the area of the Chernobyl nuclear accident impact caused not only by radiation but also a wide range of secondary processes not related directly to the contamination of the environment. Based on the analysis of information accumulated over the past 30-year period it is determined that the degree of ecosystems degradation and restoration depends both on the individual characteristics of the components of ecosystems, and the nature of the emergency and post-emergency anthropogenic activity. Conclusions. Analyzing the restoration of natural ecosystems, can be observed  the effect of synergy on the one hand due to the properties of natural ecosystems and their components resist radiation effects and maintain its structure and functional features, and the other - decreasing anthropogenic load.

Author Biographies

М. В. Сарапіна, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

канд. техн. наук., доц.,

Є. О. Варивода, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

канд. геогр. наук, доц.


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