
  • Олена Миколаївна Кравченко ЧДІЕУ,


economic development, social development, socioeconomic development concept, programming, state programs of socioeconomic development


The article examines the institutional framework of government regulation of national economy of Ukraine, where the state program of social and economic development is one of the key tools. Development of the concept of national economic policy is based on the following elements: analysis of the situation within economy, development and justification of purposes, "objectives tree" building. The general purpose of a government regulation of the economy is to improve an existing socioeconomic structure. Thus, the concept of socio-economic development is based on three main elements: economy analysis, analysis of objectives and choice of state regulation instruments. The most important means in forming and implementation of the concept of socioconomic development and government regulation of the economy is forecasting macroeconomic planning and public programming. Economic programming is a form of government regulation within economy. Programming is used extensively in the sense of creating a program of action. Program-target method is used in the process of economic and social development programming. According to the author, it is necessary to clarify the definition of "program of socioeconomic development" and put a new face on it. State program of socio-economic development is a program target document for a specified period, in which the system of goals and priorities for economic and social development is consistent with a set of activities and resources necessary for their implementation. Social orientation of government programs for socio-economic development determines the increase of social standards through economic development. As to a social theory of equitable distribution, the social product part is available to producers of this product and it increases the consumption of the product within the state, because the purchasing power of the state's population increases, so business activity increases too. Based on the use of modularity in the design of public programs for socio-economic development the author proposes to determine the following modules in these programs: social-economic, management and legal, resource and environmental, innovation and investment. State, represented by a government, provides social orientation of the economy and must intervene in socio-economic processes. Instruments of economy state regulation are the following: normative and legal regulation, fiscal and financial management, direct public investment, public programming socio-economic development. Thus, state programs of social and economic development are one of the key instruments of economy state regulation.

Author Biography

Олена Миколаївна Кравченко, ЧДІЕУ

Аспірант кафедри менеджменту ЧДІЕУ


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National economy management and economics