
  • Олена Миколаївна Кравченко ЧДІЕУ,


strategy of economic and social development in Ukraine, state programs of economic and social development, prognostic and report macroeconomic indicators


Strategy of Social and Economic Development is a document that defines long-term goals and directions of socio-economic development of the state, and the ways and means of achieving them. The term "strategy" considering the strategic planning process can be applied in the following sense: "as a detailed comprehensive plan aimed at implementing the mission (purpose, objectives) of the state." The UN has worked out recommendations on the elaboration of long-term development strategies by 2015. Long-term goals and priorities of state socio-economic development are fixed in the Strategy of Economic and Social Development of Ukraine "In the way of European Integration" for 2004-2015. The main macroeconomic indicators of economic and social development in Ukraine of the previous period are a guideline for the elaboration of short-term government programs on economic and social development for the next year. In section 1, "Ukraine and the global trends of socio-economic development" the following factors are identified to implement the strategy of European integration development of our country : gaining Ukraine's full membership in the European Union; the annual rate of GDP growth in Ukraine at 6-7% level, and overcoming the gap in GDP volumes per capita between Ukraine and the EU Member States, in the social sphere purposeful ensuring of reliable prerequisites for reducing the gap in the level and quality of living standards with the EU states, consolidation of the middle class; adaptation of legislation in Ukraine and national law system, including the legal culture, judicial and administrative practice to the system of legislation and EU law. In section 2, "Strategic goals and priorities" the following priorities are identified: creating preconditions for Ukraine's full membership in the European Union, ensuring sustainable economic growth, consolidation of innovative development model, social reorientation of economic policy. In section 3 state potentials are identified: Ukraine's economic potential, labour potential and natural resources potential. The first stage of the Strategy (2004-2005) was the period of forming institutional, financial and organizational preconditions in all spheres of public life. The second stage of the Strategy (2006-2009) is the stage of implementing a comprehensive modernization of enterprises, strengthening the principles and mechanisms of structural innovation model of socially oriented economy, regulation of property relations. The strategy presupposes the following changes: population’s income growth by 7-8% per year, reducing inflation to 3-4%, GDP growth to 7.1%, increasing the growth rate of investment in fixed capital to 12-13%. The third stage(2010-2015 years) - sustainable growth consolidation: real incomes - up to 6% annually, GDP - up to 6% annually, investment in fixed capital to 11.7% annually, reducing inflation to 3-4% annually. Acceleration of economy development in Ukraine should take place under a strategic program of economic and social development, and on its basis the development and adoption of State economic and social development program annually, along with the Law on State Budget of Ukraine. Government authorities control via the "forecast-report" ystem enables timely adjustments to achieve goals based on macroeconomic indicators. Because of the fact that the performers do not adhere to the time limits determined by law, the State programs of Economic and Social Development are confirmed by the law even in the middle of the period they have been developed for. Unstable political situation in Ukraine and an undefined distribution of functions between the legislative and executive authorities, lead to the fact that at the state level program documents on the short-term economic and social development are not developed, and even if they are, they are not approved by Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Council) of Ukraine.



Author Biography

Олена Миколаївна Кравченко, ЧДІЕУ

Аспірант кафедри менеджменту ЧДІЕУ


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National economy management and economics