
  • Ірина Сергіївна Каленюк
  • Людмила Іванівна Цимбал Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, Ukraine


determinants, intellectual leadership, competitiveness, globalization, intellectual capital


The relevance of research of formation a competitive economy at the present stage of development in the world, due to changes in resources that underpin the economy, is highlighted in the article. The objective of the study is to determine the basic parameters of intellectual leadership in the informational society. Analysis of characteristics and factors of social development has always been targeted by many scientists. Problems of post-industrial societies were studied in the works of J. Bell, V. Inozemtsev, M. Kastels, A. Korotayev, H. Malynetskyi, I. Matyushenko, R. Polischuk, A. Filipenko, Fukuyama and many others. Factors of development of countries in the context of globalization were reflected in the writings of L. Antonyuk, D. Lukyanenko, Yu. Kozak, O. Bilorus et al. However, many aspects of this complex problem need to be more researched. Activation the factors of forming and strengthening of the intellectual potential development implies the necessity to study the main parameters that characterize it in interstate aspect. According to the main determinants of intellectual leadership are analyzed in the article. The level of funding of scientific research in the leading countries and the countries outsiders is studied. The atent activity, which confirms the formation of zones of accumulation and use of intellectual capital, is analyzed. According to it the Global Innovation Index of countries is considered which is determined by large number of factors. It is determined that the accumulation of intellectual capital leads to changes in the economic structure and the forms of its realization. So, there is quite weighty share of hi-tech products in countries with a high level of intellectual capital in the structure of foreign trade. Moreover, there is a high level of access to information and communication technologies in these countries. Analyzing the development of the world at the present stage it is important to note that the formation of global leadership is caused by the influence of many factors. These factors are the areas of development of society and the economy that are knowledge-intensive Technology development, advancing economic development in the global world domination are based on the knowledge that forms the competitiveness of economies.

Author Biographies

Ірина Сергіївна Каленюк

доктор економічних наук, професор

Людмила Іванівна Цимбал, Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана

кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри міжнародної економіки


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International economics