social market economy, German model of «prosperity for everyone», Swedish model of the «democratic socialism»Abstract
The relevance of the research is caused bythe need to analyze the effective models of economic development in order to use their experience in Ukraine. The problem is the necessity of the comparative analysis of German and Swedish models of economic development and the results of their practical application in their countries. The essence of the concept of "social market economy" was discovered. The German model of "prosperity for everyone" and reforms ofL. Erhard, H. Schröder, A. Merkel were analyzed. It is shown that in Germany at the present stage of development the essence of the «social state» taking into accounts the new economic realities and processes of globalization is preserved. The peculiarities of formation and development of the Swedish model of "social market economy" and the consequences of its implementation in the modern economy were investigated. The principles of social market economy were defined, which would be appropriate to use in Ukraine at the present stage of social and economic development ofthe national economy. It is concluded that the German and Swedish models of "social market economy" are focused on political culture and ethical ideals, such as: respect to laws and government power, the willingness to take risks in implementing new ideas and simultaneous responsibility for the consequences of their activities, respect for private property, the adherence to ethical and legal standards, devotion to your own profession; it is something that Ukraine should pursue to join the European business standards, improve the life quality and social security.References
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