
  • Олексій Миколайович Есманов ДВНЗ «Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7383-3335


financial security, national security, levels of security, subject of financial security


National security of the country plays an important role in the support of its social and economic development which is very important for Ukraine in current circumstances. Financial security of the country deserves the special attention because of its relation to cash flows, taking into account the multiply-factor and great amount of components ofnational security. Considering this, the investigation of the subject of financial security with its levels becomes very urgent. There are a lot of opinions about the essence of the financial and economic security in domestic scientific literature. That is why it is necessary to specify the subject of financial security taking into account the problem of levels of this system. The state cannot exist without the society and it is the result of its development. This causes fixture and existence of two-level system of national security in Ukraine which consists of micro level and macro level. At that, the category of threat is key during investigation of theoretical and methodological foundations of security. Threats and interests are considered mainly on the macro level without taking into account the needs of micro level. National interests are considered as values of any genesis, destruction or loss of which threaten the existence of Ukrainian nation. According to this, we consider the object of national security is mentioned above interests, as they form the basis of the whole system. Meanwhile, the subject of security can change according to its types and hierarchy. That is why the subject of economic security is a creation of such conditions for carrying out the economic activity, which will provide conservation, protection and multiplication of values of national interests. We propose to consider the subject of financial security as an ability of economic system to support the money relations organization which will provide the multiplication of national wealth on the basis of meaning of financial system and its role in the economy of the country.

Author Biography

Олексій Миколайович Есманов, ДВНЗ «Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України»

аспірант кафедри теоретичної і прикладної економіки ДВНЗ «Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України»


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