Development and analysis of the diacoptic method of interdomain routing with load balancing in a telecommunication network




In this paper, the diacoptical method of inter-area routing with load balancing in a telecommunication network was proposed. The method allows to increase the scalability of routing solutions in comparison with the centralized approach without reducing the efficiency of the network, estimated by the maximum value of link load threshold. The method involves the decomposition of the general routing problem in a multi-area network into several routing subtasks of smaller size that can be solved for each individual area followed by combining the solutions obtained for the whole telecommunication network. The foundation of the method is a flow-based routing model based on the implementation of the concept of Traffic Engineering and focused on minimizing the maximum value of link load threshold. The results of the analysis confirmed the operability of the method on a variety of numerical examples and demonstrated the full correspondence of the efficiency of the obtained diacoptical routing solutions to the centralized approach. The advantage of the proposed method is also the absence of the need to coordinate routing solutions received on subnetworks, which positively affects both the time of solving the set task and the amount of service traffic circulated in the network associated with the transfer of data on the state of network areas and coordinating information.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Vitalijovych Lemeshko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Andrii Yevhenovych Ilіashenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Olena Serhiivna Nevzorova, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics


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