A mathematical model of attacks and defenses in Software-Defined Networks





Distinctive features of the construction of wireless urban telecommunication networks are the high complexity of the medium access control protocol, which is responsible, in particular, for providing subscribers with access to a common communication channel, as well as the presence of a large number of uncertain parts in which only some of the network interaction mechanisms are standardized. These features of the SDN technology, as well as its novelty, lead to the need to develop methods for improving information security in the case of multiple radio access by subscribers. The task of ensuring security is becoming especially relevant for telecommunication networks, where the data transmission channel is often shared between a large number of users. In wireless metropolitan area networks, another problem appears - the general availability of the communication channel. The article discusses the active way of organizing the fight against unauthorized interference with the Software-Defined Network (SDN). Proactive measures are planned based on known vulnerability data of software products. An open NVD database is used. The forecast of the most dangerous threats is carried out in the form of a game between two partners: the attacker and the defender. The result of the game is recommendations for the protection of information for the investigated software system. The analysis is carried out to determine the equilibrium states and stability of the dynamic system. For this purpose, a phase portrait is built, i.e. the dependence of the state of threats on the effectiveness of attacks is obtained. As the analysis has shown, with greater attack efficiencies, a smaller sampling interval is needed to maintain the system in an equilibrium state.


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