Research of the informativeness the phase data of the user voice signal of the authentication system


  • Mykola Savelijovych Pastushenko Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Vivaldo Gomes Montejro Pedro Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,
  • Olha Mykolaivna Faizulaieva Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,



Ways to improve the efficiency of modern voice authentication systems in various access systems are investigated in the article. One of the main ways to increase the effectiveness of authentication systems under consideration is associated with the use of voice signal phase. The object of the research is the process of digital signal processing in voice authentication systems. The scientific problem of forming and using phase data of a voice signal of an au-thentication system is solved. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the informative value of phase data of a voice signal and determine their main characteristics. The formant information on the amplitude spectrum of the experimental voice signal was processed and its qualitative and quantitative characteristics were obtained. Then, the phase data of the analyzed signal were calculated, the features of their use were revealed, and the phase spectrum was obtained on the basis of the calculation results. Processing of the phase spectrum has shown that it is easier to select at least one and a half times bigger formant of a voice signal that can be used to authenticate a user. The approximation of the maxima of formants is performed using linear and quadratic polynomials. The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the amplitude and phase spectra formant information has confirmed the hypothe-sis that the phase data are more informative. The presented research results should be used in voice authentication systems, in improving speech recogni-tion systems, as well as in solving speaker identification problems.


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