Research of the allocation method the time-frequency resource of the LTE downlink using RAT 1




A research on the previously proposed method for allocation of time-frequency resource of the LTE downlink has been conducted. The method is based on the solution of the optimization problem on the allocation of resource blocks in the downlink LTE technology, which corresponds to the RAT 1 scheme. The advantage of the method is that the allocation of resource blocks of the downlink LTE is carried out in a balanced manner taking into account the signal-interference environment, type and level of bandwidth requirements. The results of the comparative analysis confirmed the effectiveness of this method. A number of numerical examples have shown that using the method allows to increase the bandwidth of the LTE network from 16-20% to 33-47% compared to the known solutions presented by the Max C/I Ratio, Round Robin and Proportional Fair algorithms. The article offers recommendations for the practical implementation of the proposed solution and presents a variant of the multi-level functional architecture for the block of allocation of the time-frequency resource of the downlink LTE network.


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