Prospects for the use of linear-frequency-modulated signals with intrapulse phase-shifting and various modulation characteristics in multi-channel communication systems




The paper analyzes current state and prospects of using linearly frequency-modulated (LFM) signals with intra-pulsed phase-shifting (PS) and various modulation characteristics in multi-channel communication systems. When creating modern digital multi-channel communication systems, the code division of channels has become widespread. The main requirements for signals in such systems are their resistance to inconsistency in the frequency caused by the Doppler frequency shift and the sufficient amount of the weakly correlated forms of signal-code structures ensemble. Realization of these requirements needs signals formed by shifting using harmonic carrier oscillation according to the law of pseudorandom coding sequence changing (PS PRS) are mainly used. Ensembles of such signals might have the necessary mutual correlation properties. Analysis of the envelope of mutual uncertainty function in investigated signals, it is proven that they have significantly more volume of weakly correlated forms in comparison with pseudorandom sequences. In addition, the change in the Doppler shift of signal frequency in the real range (from 0 to 50 kHz), leads to a decrease in noise immunity of satellite telecommunication systems with complex signals. However, in comparison with signals with phase-shifting and pseudorandom sequences (PS PRS), the error probability values for code structures LFM PS vary insignificantly, which suggests that it is expedient to apply these classes of signals in satellite communication systems. It is concluded that linearly frequency-modulated signals with intra-pulsed phase-shifting and different modulation characteristics can be effectively used in multi-channel communication systems with mobile objects.


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