Electromagnetic prediction method in mobile communication networks using the Kalman-Bucy filter


  • Yuliіa Yuriivna Kolіadenko Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Nikita Alexandrovich Chursanov Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine




Model, Filter, Forecast, Estimate, Electromagnetic compatibility


The task of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility becomes particularly relevant for mobile communication networks where a communication channel is often divided among a large number of users. To ensure the electromagnetic compatibility of mobile communication networks, the article suggests analyzing and predicting the electromagnetic environment in real time. It is shown that the model of the electromagnetic environment at a particular point in space is a random process, which is represented by the equation of state. Analysis of the electromagnetic environment is a measurement of the useful signal power and the total interference power and noise at a specific point in space and the calculation of the ratio of the useful signal power to the total interference power and noise. According to the results of measurement and analysis of the ratio of the useful signal power to the total power of interference and noise, the task of predicting the electromagnetic environment is posed. As a method for estimating and predicting the electromagnetic environment, the paper suggests using the Kalman-Bucy filter, which implements the idea of predicting — an adjustment. Using simulation modeling, the analysis of the effectiveness of the forecast method was carried out. The a posteriori error variance is used as a criterion for the effectiveness of the forecast method.

Author Biographies

Yuliіa Yuriivna Kolіadenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Professor of the V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering

Nikita Alexandrovich Chursanov, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Ph.D. Student of the V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering


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