Features of implementing a two-level routing method on a multi-core architecture controller in a Software-Defined Network


  • Olena Nevzorova Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Maryna Yevdokymenko Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine




SDN, Method, Routing, Controller, Hierarchy, Core


Practical implementation of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) focuses on increasing the centralization of network management. This requires a high computing power of SDN controller, which implements routing functions also. The effective direction of increasing the productivity of an SDN controller is the use of multicore/multiprocessor computing architectures. In this architecture each core (processor) is functionally responsible for solving a given separate network problem. However, most mathematical methods and calculation algorithms, which are the basis of existing routing protocols, are not adapted for parallel computing. Therefore, in this paper a two-level routing method in a Software-Defined Network is proposed. The method is adapted for use on an SDN controller with multicore architecture. Within the method, a two-tier hierarchy of calculations is introduced by using the goal coordination principle: each core of the lower level of hierarchy is responsible for solving the flow-based routing problem on a separate border router during the solving of the optimization problem of quadratic programming. The functionality of the upper level is implemented on the core-coordinator, which coordinates the lower level solutions to prevent overload of the links in the SDN network. Time to solve routing tasks on an SDN controller and its load directly depends on the convergence rate of the coordination procedure. During studying the proposed method, it is shown that it converges to optimal solutions for the finite number of iterations.

Author Biographies

Olena Nevzorova, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Lecturer of the V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering

Maryna Yevdokymenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Doctoral Candidate of the V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering


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