Method of hierarchical coordination inter-domain routing in Software-Defined infocommunication network with provision of normalized Quality of Service


  • Maryna Yevdokymenko Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine



Method, Routing, Coordination, Domain, Delay, Network


The paper proposes a method of hierarchical coordination of inter-domain routing in software-defined infocommunication network (ICN). The novelty of the method is that the routing solutions obtained with it are aimed not only at increasing the scalability of ICN, but also at ensuring the normalized quality of service in terms of average transmission rate and end-to-end average packet delay. It is based on the use of a decomposition flow-based routing model, which, in turn, is based on the conditions of inter-domain routing interaction and the conditions of ensuring the normalized quality of service, which are obtained on the basis of tensor modeling of ICN in the geometric space created by coordinate paths. Within the proposed method, the inter-domain QoS routing problem was presented in an optimization form with a quadratic optimality criterion, which was solved according to the principle of targeted coordination from the theory of hierarchical multilevel control systems. During the investigation of the proposed method of inter-domain QoS-routing, a number of calculated examples confirmed its efficiency and effectiveness in terms of providing a normalized quality of service. It was experimentally established that the method converged to the optimal solution in a finite number of iterations. Reducing the number of such iterations helps to reduce the amount of service traffic transmitted across the network between routers and SDN controllers at different levels, as well as minimizing the total time for solving the inter-domain QoS-routing.


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