Improvement of the flow-based multicast routing model on the principles of Traffic Engineering technology


  • Olena Nevzorova Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Batoul Sleiman Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Amal Mersni Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine
  • Vladyslav Sukhoteplyj Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv University of Air Force, Ukraine



Model, Routing, Balancing, Flow, Traffic, Network


The paper proposes to improve the mathematical model of multicast routing with balanced use of network resource in accordance with the requirements of the concept of Traffic Engineering (TE). The model is based on the optimality criterion, which quantitatively equals the minimization of the utilization rate of the most downloaded network link. A research of the proposed improved model on the number of network structures was conducted. The research found that when using the optimization criterion of minimization of the utilization rate of the most loaded network link, inappropriately loaded links occur. This is caused by the fact that utilization coefficients of these links are not the highest in the network, and they are not critical to the value of the optimality criterion, and therefore the flow of packets in those links was not prohibited. To solve this problem in the work it is proposed to introduce two additional conditions into the model, the fulfillment of the first condition implies that the flow can come from no more than one adjacent node to an arbitrary node; and the second condition is that the flow of packets on the incoming interfaces of the transit node can only appear if its outgoing interfaces are used. Using the proposed conditions, it was possible to solve the problem of misuse of the links resource without reducing the efficiency of the calculation solutions. The use of an advanced model allows balanced use of the network resource, especially for the traffic structure, which consists of a large number of multicast flows with relatively low intensity compared to the bandwidth of the links.


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