Conceptual strategies of researching media art as a form of modern cultural practice




media art, virtual reality, cultural practice, technimage, mediatext, cultural communication, lifeworld


The article presents the results of research of peculiarities of the modern info-communicational technologies and virtual reality’s influence on the process of media-art formation as an innovative cultural practice. The research has attempted the possibility of applying the phenomenological practice by A. Shutz to analysis of interactive specificity of media-art as a form of cultural communication. Via engaging the concepts of A. Cauquilen, V. Bychkov and N. Mankovskaya the peculiarities of discourse-dialogical forms of media art as the forms of new strategies of artistic-esthetic communication connected with the virtual reality’s technology usage have been analyzed

Author Biography

Yuliia Shevchuk, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

Postgraduate student

Department of Philosophy


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Philosophical sciences