Forecast frequency of northern type meridional circulation in the northern hemisphere of the earth


  • Александр Вадимович Холопцев Sevastopol Maritime Academy st. Rybakov 7, Sevastopol, 99055, Ukraine
  • Николай Иванович Федоренко Sevastopol Maritime Academy st. Rybakov 7, Sevastopol, 99055, Ukraine



atmospheric circulation, solar activity, Atlantic meridional mode, forecast, significant factors


It is determined conditions under which taking account of the fragments of time series of the annual average values of Wolf numbers and average temperatures of the North Atlantic surface as an argument of the linear multiple-regression model of changes of predominance of elementary circulation mechanisms classified as north meridional processes above the Northern hemisphere maintains the highest level of accuracy of the long-time forecast

Author Biographies

Александр Вадимович Холопцев, Sevastopol Maritime Academy st. Rybakov 7, Sevastopol, 99055


Navigation and Maritime Safety department

Николай Иванович Федоренко, Sevastopol Maritime Academy st. Rybakov 7, Sevastopol, 99055


Navigation and Maritime Safety department


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