Didactic bases of formation of junior schoolchildren’s intellectual qualities


  • Інна Анатоліївна Романова Kharkiv State Pedagogical University Faninskiy per., 3, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166., Ukraine




junior schoolchildren, culture of intellectual activity, system of training, differentiation, integrated lessons


The paper analyzes the general trends in the educational process in elementary school in the traditional education system and innovative author programs, which influence the formation of the intellectual qualities of junior schoolchildren. Productive trends of academic and extracurricular activities that should be used in the process of forming junior schoolchildren’s culture intellectual activity are determined

Author Biography

Інна Анатоліївна Романова, Kharkiv State Pedagogical University Faninskiy per., 3, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166.

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Social Pedagogy


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