Game forms of education in formation of economic competence of future managers of education: we go to success together


  • Tetiana Burłajenko State higher educational establishment "University of management of education" Artema str. 52-a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



manager of education, economic competence, train game, development, studies, forming, skills


We present an optimal program using the game in training education managers of education which reflects process of formation of economic competence at future managers of education, using educational games in which future experts gain experience of communication, active cooperation, ability to act is squeezed and is constructive, to estimate it self and others, to understand others

Author Biography

Tetiana Burłajenko, State higher educational establishment "University of management of education" Artema str. 52-a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Candidate pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Department of economy and management a personnel


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