Organizational and pedagogical conditions of activity of heads of universities: financial management


  • Ліана Олександрівна Золокотська Institute of Management and Psychology "University of Educational Management" NAPS of Ukraine 52-A, Artemа st., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03053, Ukraine



heads of universities, financial management, organizational and pedagogical conditions, efficiency


The article deals with pedagogical conditions of management of university heads based on FM; reasonably relevance of effective implementation of financial management by heads of universities (necessity of resolving contradictions, the presence of the socio-economic changes and the requirements of the theory and practice of educational management ); the theoretical and practical aspects into the issue in order to improve the scientific and methodological approaches to the implementation of financial management in universities

Author Biography

Ліана Олександрівна Золокотська, Institute of Management and Psychology "University of Educational Management" NAPS of Ukraine 52-A, Artemа st., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03053


Department of University Education and Management of Educational Institutions


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